Welfare services at a glance
You can find information on various welfare services on this page.
Housekeeping Program for Fishing Villages
This program aims to provide basic livelihood support for fishermen and vulnerable families/seniors living in fishing villages by dispatching housekeepers.
Who's eligible for the program?
- Eligible candidates
- Fishermen's family members and residents of fishing villages or welfare centers in fishing villages
- Selection criteria
- Families with incomes below 50% of the median income and families with a pregnant mother or a mother who has given birth within the last three months and therefore finds it difficult to do house chores
- Families living in fishing villages whose members find housework physically difficult, such as families with seniors over the age of 65 (including seniors living alone); families with incomes below 50% of
the median income; multicultural families; grandparent-headed families; and families with disabled members; as well as social welfare centers, such as local senior homes in eup and myeon areas
- However, the following will be excluded from consideration:
- Households/facilities that received similar assistance from the Ministry of Health and Welfare, local governments, etc. in 2018
* E.g. programs that offer assistance for daily activities of people with disabilities, senior care services, housekeeping services (Sharing Happiness), etc.
What kind of benefits can I receive?
- Scope of program
- Cooking (including side dishes), laundry, cleaning and other housework
* More than 2 hours of housework per visit
How do I apply for the program?
- How to apply
- You can visit, call or send your application by regular mail to the local National Federation of Fisheries Cooperatives (Suhyup) office.
- Selection process
- The selection process is as follows:
- 1 Counselling &
applicationSubmit application to
local Suhyup
- 2 Confirmation of
eligibilityThe local Suhyup office
and local government
officers in charge
confirm eligibility of
- 3 Start of service
Applicant receives the
service offered by the
For more information
- Contact information
- Department of Member Management Assistance, Suhyup ☎ 02-2240-3338 Call
The programs above are up to date as of 2019. (Income and Welfare Division, Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries)